

  Basic information


  Gender: Male

  National: Han

  Date of birth:

  Origin: Zhejiang Ningbo

  Place of residence: Ningbo

  Marital status:

  Mobile phone: 87******

  ID: 3302*********

  E-mail: job@.com

  Job search intention

  Desired position: the data analyst

  Expectation: the financial industry

  Expected location: Ningbo

  Desired salary: 5000

  Job type: full time

  Time: at any time

  Work experience

  Start time: 2010 October to 2011 December the company name: XX estimate Co. Ltd. Job Description: mainly responsible for the company's rating data collation and acceptance check, is responsible for external data collection; to set up the company in database system, data product development work, and make the data products.

  Start time: 2011 February to 2012 August, the company name: XX Technology Development Co., Ltd. Job Description: mainly to complete data analysis in the process of data extraction, data analysis and data presentation; analysis model and development and continuous improvement, business statistics, to ensure its accuracy, practicability and scalability; based on data analysis, get valuable information, so as to the company's business operation, the direction of products, sales strategy to provide data to support.

  Education and experience

  Start time: 2007 September to 2011 July Graduate School: Zhejiang Gongshang University major: Finance degree: Bachelor

  Language ability / Skills Certificate

  The data analyst assistant

  Self assessment

  I have the overall strong communication ability, has the strong team cooperation ability, cheerful, optimistic, strong sense of responsibility. The data have a high sensitivity, can discover the relations between data, logical thinking ability outstanding and judging ability, can skilled use of processing and data analysis methods, proficiency in SPSS, SAS statistical software.更多简历模板请看YJBYS小编推荐:计算机硬件维护个人简历范文数据分析师求职简历范文模具设计与制造个人简历范文应用电子技术毕业生简历范文


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