


Guo Lin: I’m Guo Lin,
Together: Welcome to our school!
Guo Lin: The Pandeng English in our school has been a great success.
Wu Yifei:Yes, we want to say thanks to all the people who helped us.
Together: Thank you!
Wu Yifei:Today you will see some wonderful performances about Pandeng English.
Guo Lin: First let’s enjoy some English songs acted by Grade One pupils from this school.
Wu Yifei:Let’s welcome them!
Wu Yifei:Coming next is Forest Concert, presented by Sunjia Primary School. Please enjoy!
Wu Yifei:We all know that animals are our friend. Pandeng English also tells us that. Here is a short play, We Are All Friends, presented by Weifang China-Singapore Bilingual School. Please enjoy!
Wu Yifei:The Grade Two pupils can sing lots of English songs from Pandeng English. Ladies and gentlemen, from the list, you can choose the songs you like, and my little brothers and sisters will sing for you. Please!
Guo Lin: Now let’s enjoy a short play The Arrogant Peacock, presented Shenglidong Primary School.
Guo Lin: Ladies and Gentlemen, the performance is over.
Wu Yifei:Thank you for being with us! Wish you a happy day!
Guo Lin: Good bye!
Wu Yifei:Bye-bye!
Do you like English? Do you often speak English? English chants are popular in our school and in our life. Today, pupils from
Grade three and Grade four want to show their chants to all
the guests. Let’s enjoy it .




Now please listen to the songs from Grade five, Grade six. They mix the harmonious tones and graceful dance with English. Let’s enjoy it.

这类书籍让我了解了何谓国耻,何为民族,同时在我的心灵身处埋下了一颗爱国的种子!我深深的感到我们这一代的担子有多么的重啊 !



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