



  Personal information


  Gender: male

  Education: bachelor's political landscape: 0

  Birthday, the 1988-04-05 national: han

  Marital status: single Native place: after hui xian city in henan province south village town village

  Height: 167 cm weight: 62 kg

  Profession: the experience of law: 4 years

  Expect work location:


  Industry/position: legal counsel Anticipated salary: RMB 8000 nature of work: no

  Education experience

  School name: henan university of technology institute of science and technology of ten thousand professional: law study in time: the 2008-09-01-2008-09-01 degree: bachelor

  School name: hui xian city high school professional 6: liberal arts school time: the 2007-09-01-2007-09-01 degrees: high school

  School name: hui xian city high school professional 3: liberal arts school time: the 2004-09-01-2004-09-01 degrees: high school

  School name: hui xian city south village town center school profession: middle school education courses at time: the 2001-09-01-2001-09-01 degrees: junior high school

  Language ability

  Language: English: good

  Work experience

  Company name: henan new law firm

  Working time: the 2014-05-09-2014-05-09

  Company size: 10 ~ 100

  Departments: a lawyer

  Job classification: law lawyer

  Position monthly salary: 4000 and above

  Job description:

  Company name: henan makino law firm

  Working time: the 2012-10-18-2012-10-18

  Company size: 10 ~ 100

  Departments: a lawyer

  Job classification: law lawyer

  Position monthly salary: 4000 and above

  Job description:

  Self assessment

  Junior year one-time through judicial examination. Has makino law firm in henan, henan new business law firm is engaged in the legal profession, lawyers would be two years let me improve the quality, I would like to join the company, for the company to create a good atmosphere of the rule of law.




  性别: 男

  学历: 本科 政治面貌: 0

  生日: 1988-04-05 民族: 汉族

  婚姻状况: 未婚 籍贯: 河南省辉县市南寨镇后地村

  身高: 167 公分 体重: 62 公斤

  专业: 法学 工作经验: 4 年



  行业/职位: 法律 法律顾问 期望月薪: 8000元 工作性质: 不限


  学校名称: 河南理工大学万方科技学院 专业: 法学 就读时间: 2008-09-01 至 2012-07-01 获得学历: 本科

  学校名称: 辉县市第六高级中学 专业: 文科 就读时间: 2007-09-01 至 2008-07-01 获得学历: 高中

  学校名称: 辉县市第三高级中学 专业: 文科 就读时间: 2004-09-01 至 2007-07-01 获得学历: 高中

  学校名称: 辉县市南寨镇中心学校 专业: 中学教育课程 就读时间: 2001-09-01 至 2004-07-01 获得学历: 初中


  语种: 英语 能力: 良好


  公司名称: 河南新商律师事务所

  工作时间: 2014-05-09 至 2016-11-26

  公司规模: 10~100人

  所在部门: 律师

  工作分类: 法律 律师

  职位月薪: 4000及以上


  公司名称: 河南牧野律师事务所

  工作时间: 2012-10-18 至 2014-05-02

  公司规模: 10~100人

  所在部门: 律师

  工作分类: 法律 律师

  职位月薪: 4000及以上



  大三时一次性通过司法考试。 先后在河南牧野律师事务所、河南新商律师事务所从事律师职业,两年的律师从业经历让我有了质的提高,我愿意加入公司,为公司创造良好的法治氛围。


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