



  Personal information


  Gender: female

  Years of age: 24 people race: han

  Work experience: fresh graduates in living ground: xianju county, taizhou, zhejiang province

  Body: CM door mouth: xianju county, taizhou, zhejiang province

  Self assessment

  My height 165 cm, character, cheerful, lively, positive enterprising, like reading, listening to music, love life, willing to cooperate with people helping each other. Familiar with the use of office software, such as word, excel, powerpoint. Factors: during the period of school many times to participate in social practice, who helped organize speech, debate, counting, etc. In junior last semester of 2014 "xtep cup" national electronic business competition, and won the second prize and undergraduate marketing awards. Once partnership near the school with my classmates to open a small leisure, accumulated certain experience.


  Hope jobs: business/management - business/management class sales management/business - business assistant administration/hr - an administrative assistant

  Seeking positions: assistant; The personnel administration; Electronic commerce; Assistant; The human resources

  Hope to work location: xianju county, taizhou, zhejiang province

  Expected salary: 3000 / month to post time: arrive at any time

  Other salary requirement: five insurance, single or double cease

  Work target/direction

  The personnel administration; Human resources; Electronic commerce; Clerical assistant

  Work experience

  ▌ 2015-12-2016-05: xianju county jin da seal co., LTD

  Related industries: automobile, motorcycle and accessories industry (private companies)

  As a position: sales classes - management/business/sales - management/business

  Job title: sales back office

  Job description: responsible for customer communication, order placement, quotation, client meeting organization, such as order delivery review, the understanding of the order process communication, the communication of customer complaints and returns.

  Leaving reason: personal reasons

  Education experience

  The 2012-09-2016-06 Yangtze university college of engineering management class/bachelor's degree in business administration

  Practical experience: sand table simulation; Every final enterprise practice

  Major in course subjects: industrial and commercial administration; Marketing; Human resources; The electronic commerce


  Technical titles: no

  Language: English: good (level 4);

  Computer skill: primary

  Detailed computer skills: Word, Excel and PPT the office software skilled. Simple photoshop operation.

  Other skills:


  Rewarded: in junior last semester of 2014 "xtep cup" national electronic business competition, and won the second prize and undergraduate marketing awards.

  College third-class scholarship




  性 别: 女

  年 龄: 24岁 民 族: 汉

  工作经验: 应届生 居 住 地: 浙江台州 仙居县

  身 高: CM 户 口: 浙江台州 仙居县

  自 我 评 价


  求 职 意 向

  希望岗位: 经营/管理类-经营/管理类  销售类-管理/商务-商务助理  行政/人事类-行政助理

  寻求职位: 文员;人事行政;电子商务;助理;人力资源

  希望工作地点: 浙江台州仙居县

  期望工资: 3000 /月  到岗时间:随时到岗

  其它待遇要求: 五险,单休或双休

  工作目标 / 发展方向


  工 作 经 历


  所属行业: 汽车、摩托车及配件业(私营企业)

  担任岗位: 销售类-管理/商务/销售类-管理/商务

  职位名称: 销售内勤


  离职原因: 个人原因

  教 育 经 历

  2012-09--2016-06 长江大学工程技术学院 管理类/工商管理 本科



  技 能 专 长

  技术职称: 无

  语言能力: 英语:良好(四级);

  计算机能力: 初级

  计算机详细技能: 熟练Word和Excel以及ppt办公软件。会简单的photoshop操作。






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